Category Archives: Trail Updates

Deer Season is upon us!

Youth rifle season is the weekend November 5th and 6th.

Full on rifle season is Saturday, November 12th through Sunday, November 27th.

Muzzle loading and archery season runs from Saturday, December 3rd through Sunday December 11th.

There is NO HUNTING ALLOWED in Pine Hill Park.

The Carriage Trail and the Redfield trails are private property.  Owners do allow hunting on their property.

Please be respectful of deer hunters and wear orange.

2017 Community Work Days

Community Work Day: Saturday, August 26th at 8:15 AM till noon. Meet at the front entrance. The project is raking out a new connector trail from Dewey Wood Rd to Ridge Runner on the Redfield Trails.

Youth Works is back this coming week July 10th, 11th from 9:30 to 2:30 if you are interested in helping out. Community Work night is Thursday, July 13th at 6pm. All volunteers will be up near Intersection 42 working on finishing the new trail.

Community work night: Thursday, June 29th at 6pm IS CANCELLED, RESCHEDULED FOR Thursday, July 13th, 6pm. Meet at the tool trailer in the front entrance. We will be working on a drainage on Rembrandt’s Brush and some work on Evergreen Falls if we have enough warm bodies.

The new trail is started across from Broken Handlebar. It is not completely broken out and we could use more help in getting holes filled in with small rock, continuing the removing of organic material and finish work to get drainage’s in,  good outslope so the trail drains. We will continue to work on this during the summer.

Youth Works is back for it’s 11th year. We meet at the front entrance on Monday’s and Tuesday’s at 9:15AM work till about 2:15. Come join us for an hour. Anyone is welcome to join us.  Bring food, water and mosquito repellent we’ll supply tools and gloves.

If you are on Facebook please make Pine Hill Partnership page (not the group)  a favorite.


Update on Droopy Downhill Race Monday, 9/26

DROOPY DOWNHILL UPDATE! The latest riders can register in person is 5:30pm on race day! This gives riders enough time to climb to the top of the race course to drop in. No riders will be dropping past 6pm. Please give yourself time to arrive, register and climb to the top. Mother Nature early fall sunsets have arrived. Thanks! Jamie Trayer

Community Work Day

Come join us on Saturday, September 10th at 8:45AM. Meet at the tool trailer in the parking lot. We will be working on Evergreen Falls with Rutland High School Cross Country team. Bring water we will supply gloves, tools and plenty of dirt.

Community Work Night!

Please help us! We need YOUR help on Wednesday, August 17th at 6pm. Bring a weed whacker, we will have a few to loan out if you do not have one. Bring safety glasses, ear plugs. We will transport weed whackers and volunteers to Rocky Pond then hike in from the pond.

Broken Handlebar Gets Some TLC

Broken Handlebar now has an uphill option as well as a downhill only option. We are calling it Broken Handlebar South and North. Broken Handlebar South is the techy XC two way section and Broken Handlebar North is ONE WAY downhill. Both start at intersection 30A and come out at intersection 42. Thank you very much to this year YES plan groups who have made this possible.

Map of trail division

YES Plan Mtn bike group
Thanks Ryan, Alex, Jeremiah and Rick for carrying the sign post in.

Keith putting up temporary sign Folding tarps to carry out IMG_0812 IMG_0809 IMG_0805 IMG_0804