Busy Summer

Pine Hill Partnership had a busy summer in the park with trail refurbishing.

Spring started off with KSA Built reworking Rosey’s Rollover now has nice built in features. Rosey’s Rollover now connects over to Bone Spur and Freefall. KSA Built also reworked Lower Jersey Turnpike that was in dire need of trail tread work. Annex and Sore Elbow both have rock gardens that people were expanding the width of the trail to avoid the rocks. We now have two ride arounds so folks can avoid the rocks if they prefer that option. The rock gardens are still there on both trails.

Killington Mountain School came in one morning and helped move a lot of dirt on Overlook. The turnpiking was raised about a foot, Lichen Rock and the turn just west of Lichen Rock was refurbished so it would drain better.

Yes plan hiking group worked on the lower part of Voldemort to raise the trail tread to prevent the sogginess in the spring and late fall.

Yes plan from Grove St. campus came in and hiked up to near the suspension bridge to help turnpike a section of trail that was too low and holding water.

In May the local community volunteers built a pretty cool feature on Furlough. Thanks to KSA Built for finishing the ride off ramp and rock rider over Nugget!

VYCC came in for 3 days in early July to help start refurbishing the trail tread on PA4J. With their help for 3 days and 4 volunteers for the next bunch of weeks we repaired 1686′ of trail tread. A lot of dirt was moved by Nemo. We spent 815 volunteer hours to improve rolling grade dips, banked corners and generally getting water off the trail tread quickly.

PA4J was built in 2007 and has no trail tread work done in the 17 years. As you can see from this picture how much trail degradation has happened in last 17 years. We have lost about 10″ of mineral soil due to traffic and more frequent heavy rains. We rebuilt the base layer with flat rocks, then moved many loads of Nemo dirt over the top.

It took 4 volunteers most of the summer to finish the last section of PA4J. We managed about 120′ of trail tread work per day. Blew a tire on Nemo and popped a clutch cable that we were able to fix up in the woods. Thanks to GT Power being open the Friday after the 4th of July to fix our tire!

Lost pulaski in 2011 found this year in the dirt pit we were digging in, with part of it’s handle.

Full loads of Nemo dirt on PA4J and pulling the flat tire off Nemo.

Our goal this summer was to install 3 more of our big benches. We were able to get one on Lunch Rock at the top of Broken Handlebar, Rocky Pond and Main St/Meadow Way on Redfield trails. These benches were pre-cut back in July on one of the hottest days and we were ready to move out the 6×6 timbers of the lumber trailer. Thank you maintenance staff at Rutland Rec for helping us level a spot and gather a large rock for the bench at Rocky Pond.

Late August brought an Eagle Scout teeter totter project to fruition. Colton Lapham reached out winter of 2023 about an Eagle Scout project. Nate Netsch drew up the CAD drawing. Colton went and procured all the pieces and parts. Sunday, August 18th Colton’s Scout troop built and installed the new teeter totter. We couldn’t have done it on a wetter day either. It started out dry but by the time we left it was raining quite hard.

Early September brought us a Pro crew from VYCC. These are college age folks who are into working outdoors. They were happy to be digging dirt vs crushing rock like their previous 3 weeks of working on stone stairs in NH.

With the pro crew’s help we rebuilt Underdog from Centrifuge bridge to Rocky Pond. It was in dire need removing water off the trail tread quickly. In the course of week we repaired 917′ of trail with 2 volunteers working with the crew every day. Keith Wight joined us for a day which was great as it was time to shore up a banked corner. The old log stump that was in the ‘S’ turn was rotted enough that we were able to remove it.

Underdog was built in 2006 and has very little trail tread work done to it over the years.

These pictures show how the rocks kept people from riding the original line. We popped the rocks, reclaimed the original trail tread, moved mineral soil to improve out-slope and covered with leaves to keep the new mineral soil on the trail.

Your membership dollars are very important to Pine Hill Park. Pine Hill Partnership who maintains the trails receives very little financial assistance from Rutland City taxpayers. The more financial support we receive from the community the more we can improve trails and features in the park. Please go to our donate page. Any size donations are welcome.

We are looking to hire 3 part time folks to help us in the park next summer. Working with Pine Hill Partnership and Rutland Recreation maintenance team. If you have anyone interested please send us an email at pinehillpartnership@gmail.com.

Thank you for reading and hope to see you on the trails.

Wild Times Summer 2024

By Tom Estill

Truncated version due to Tom picking up Lyme disease earlier this summer.

The first day of Summer, 2024, found all of New England in the middle of a week-long heat wave. The soonest I was able to get into the park after a long battle with Lyme Disease was July 20th. By then, blackberries were ripening, button bush was in flower, and gray squirrels were seen feeding on acorns. All these things seemed to be occurring a little earlier than usual, and my notes from previous years seem to support that idea. I’ll be very curious to see what changes will be occurring in the timing of park wildlife activities in the years to come. By this time of year, the forest is becoming increasingly quiet. On July 20th, I saw just a few birds
including cedar waxwing, Eastern wood pewee, tufted titmouse, and American goldfinch. Jumpseed, goldenrod, Queen Anne’s lace, wood aster and tick-trefoil were about the only plants flowering.

While on a hike on August 23rd, I saw white-breasted nuthatches, red-bellied woodpeckers, black-capped chickadees, Eastern wood pewee, blue jay, pileated woodpecker, and American goldfinch, while at Muddy Pond could be seen a single Osprey sitting on its nest, a few mallards
and a few wood ducks. To my surprise, all the beaver lodges on the west side of Muddy Pond were now gone, and the large old lodge on the Eastern side was completely overgrown, indicating it wasn’t being used for awhile. Still, a single beaver could be seen swimming in the
pond, perhaps using the single small lodge at the north end of Muddy. Many green frogs were seen at Muddy Pond and a single Bullfrog could be heard croaking. At Rocky Pond, a black water snake was seen sunning itself on a rock, and a pickerel frog was hopping through the tall

But the highlight of August 23rd is what I observed that evening. Hundreds of nighthawks were flying south in a huge flock that just never seemed to end. For half an hour I watched the birds, all migrating south. It was a sight I had never seen before, and one I will never forget.

A few days later I was back at the park feeling pretty confident that I wouldn’t be bothered by mosquitoes, as they hadn’t bothered me at all during the last few weeks. Boy was I wrong! They were a terrible nuisance on my 8/26 walk.

Chipmunks were out and about in big numbers, the gorgeous and rich blue colored Bottle Gentian was in color and the forest was very quiet. If
you want to see the Bottle Gentian, look along Crusher Rd. just north of trail marker #12. That’s the only place in the park I’ve seen them, and then, only in August and Early Sept.

The next day, August 27th, was a delightful day for a walk in the forest. A blue-headed vireo was observed, along with the more commonly seen tufted titmouse, northern flicker, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, and raven, and at Muddy Pond was seen a wood duck and an Osprey sitting on its nest. But the best part of the hike is something I had never seen before- PINK colored Indian Pipe. With sunlight low in the sky filtering through the forest leaves, the light falling on the plant made for one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen in nature. And, of course, it was the only day in 12 years I had left my iPhone at home, so I couldn’t take a

Sept. 1st was the last time I saw an osprey at its nest this season. I know that at least one young osprey was successfully fledged this year. Also seen at Muddy Pond was the rarely seen red-shouldered hawk migrating on its way south, a kingfisher and a painted turtle sunning itself. A red eft was seen crossing the Carriage Trail and goldenrod, touch-me-not, wood aster, common boneset, redshank, Queen Anne’s lace and purple loosestrife were all in flower.

A week later, I was surprised to see a Viceroy butterfly flying through the forest. So similar to the Monarch, but just smaller, and a wing coloring pattern so similar to that of the Monarch that you have to look carefully to distinguish the two. The Viceroy does not feed on milkweed so i
protected by its Mimicry.

On Sept. 10th, I checked my Trail Camera which had been set up near the outlet to Rocky Pond 3 weeks earlier and was delighted to see a picture of a doe and its fawn, a big beaver, and a BLACK BEAR. I wasn’t too surprised about the bear because I had picked up its scent in that
area a few days prior to picking up the camera.. Many chipmunks scurrying about including very young ones, likely the offspring of a second brood, which is not unusual.

In mid-August I hiked up to Muddy Pond hoping to see hundreds of migrating Canada geese, but only saw a few. I was happy to see that the beaver lodge at the north end of the pond was active with lots of recently chewed branches piled on the lodge. Numerous green frogs were seen at both ponds and a gray tree frog was calling near Trail Marker 24. A great blue heron was seen at Rocky Pond.
On a short hike on the last official day of summer, the forest was very quiet, gray squirrels were out and about and a Great Blue Heron was seen at Rocky Pond.

That’s it for this issue. Please stay on the trails and enjoy your time observing the wonderful wildlife of Pine Hill Park.

New Features

Volunteers along with KSA Built have put in two new features on Furlough.

Name this feature by sending pinehillpartnership@gmail.com an email with ‘name that feature’ in the subject line.

Winner gets a choice of Pine Hill Partnership t-shirt or hat.

Spring Wild Times Report

by Tom Estill

Near the first day of spring, 2024, a major snow storm came through the area and dumped about 18” of snow on the ground. On a late afternoon walk the forest was relatively quiet with just a few birds seen including, yellow-crowned kinglet, tufted titmouse, crow, black-capped

chickadee, white-breasted nuthatch, and a turkey vulture flying overhead. On March 26th, snow continued to melt, but it was still very deep. I was hoping to see some of the first migrants to arrive, but saw only tufted titmouse, pileated and downy woodpeckers, crown, white-breasted nuthatch and a red squirrel near the trailhead.

On a March 28th hike, snow was melting rapidly, with bare ground becoming a more and more common sight. A good day for birdwatching with a cardinal, mourning dove, Carolina wren, dark-eyed junco, tufted titmouse, black-capped chickadee, American goldfinch feeding on birch catkins, crow, golden-crowned kinglet, white-breasted nuthatch, ruffed grouse, and pileated woodpecker, all being seen.

On March 30, the first wildflower of the season was seen flowering where it’s always seen-in the wetland areas adjacent to the boardwalk near the trailhead. That flower is, of course, COLTSFOOT. Also, on this day was seen the first migrating warbler, the black and white warbler. Dark-eyed juncos were chasing one another, establishing their territories, and a few Canada geese were sitting on their nests on the little islands on the west side of Muddy Pond.

Also, on the pond were a few pairs of mallards, and about a dozen common mergansers. It felt like an early spring day.

On the last day of March, a Cooper’s hawk was seen bringing nesting material to a nest it was building near the Lower Giorgetti trail, close to where last year’s Cooper’s Hawk nest was located, but which has since been abandoned. A second Cooper’s Hawk was seen perching near the nest they were building.

By the first day of April, Eastern chipmunks were out and about in large numbers, a red squirrel had set up a nest near the trailhead, the first butterfly of the season was seen, the Mourning Cloak(always the first!), and always seen in the few open areas in the park where the American chestnut trees were planted in the past, flying insects were becoming more numerous, many painted turtles were sunning themselves at both Muddy and Rocky Pond, and one Osprey was seen on its nest at Muddy Pond.

The second week of April found mostly sunny days with temperatures in the mid-60s. An Eastern phoebe was seen flying in and out of one of the abandoned quarry buildings on Crusher Rd. I could see its nest high up on an overhang near the ceiling. The same place it’s been making its nest for years. Numerous bluebirds also seen near the quarry. Hundreds of wood frogs croaking in the wetland area at the south end of Rocky Pond.

By the second week of April, trailing arbutus was flowering (always second after Coltsfoot), the Hermit Thrush had returned and Trout Lily leaves were beginning to emerge from the forest floor. On the 14th, yellow-bellied sapsucker was back and drumming, while on Muddy Pond, 2 Osprey were seen on and near their pole extension nest.

A day later a doe, and 2 yearlings accompanying her, were seen on Droopy Muffin trail. They would be seen numerous times in the following weeks. Two adult Canada Geese had set up nests on the west side islands on Muddy Pond. They obviously were sitting on eggs, because every time I checked the nests, they’d be sitting there, while their mate was nearby keeping strangers away.

On April 16th, I was surprised at how quiet the forest had become and I saw but a few birds including cardinal, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, and Bluebirds flying in and out of the next they had recently occupied at the top of a dead white birch adjacent to quarry buildings.

During the third week of April, wood anemones were flowering, one of the Cooper’s Hawk was continually sitting low on its nest, very likely keeping its eggs warm, a brown creeper was seen bringing nesting material to its recently constructed nest, a solitary vireo was seen, and the bluebirds were seen flying continually in and out of their birch tree nest.

By the last week of April, trout lily were in flower, black-capped chickadees could be seen feeding on red pine seeds, belted kingfishers had returned to the ponds, bumblebees were out in large numbers, bellwort and sedges were in flower along with various violets, many bullfrogs and green frogs were calling at the ponds, and fiddleheads were opening,

During the first week of May, Dave Jenne, Shelley Lutz and myself went on a 5 hr. birdwalk and saw black-capped chickadees, crow, American goldfinch, tufted titmouse, downy woodpecker, cardinal, Carolina wren, white-breasted nuthatch, robin, brown creeper, American redstart, ovenbird, blue headed vireo, least flycatcher, northern flicker, Eastern phoebe, great crested flycatcher, field sparrow, hermit thrush, Eastern bluebird, hairy woodpecker, yellow-bellied woodpecker, black-throated green warbler, Eastern towhee, blue jay, black-throated blue warbler, red crossbill, black and white warbler, catbird, and white-throated sparrow. At Muddy Pond could be found many painted turtles sunning themselves, Canada geese nesting, and Common Mergansers. Catkins were hanging from the limbs of white birch trees.

During the second week of May, Moccasin flowers, Gay wings, star flowers, foam flower, butter and eggs, wood betony and pale corydalis were all blooming. Numerous reports of a sow and accompanying young bear seen at south side of park, adjacent to residential area. Female Cooper’s Hawk appears to be feeding young. Scarlet tanagers had returned, and after a rain, numerous red efts could be seen on the trails. Had to be careful where I put my foot. By this time of year, emerging tree leaves are making it harder to see birds higher up. Indigo buntings were back in numbers I have never seen before, red-wing blackbirds were nesting at Rocky Pond, ruby-throated hummingbirds were seen for the first time this season, and

Jack-In-The-Pulpit was blooming.

During the third week of May, I saw my first yellow warbler this season, while chestnut-sided warblers, red-eyed vireos, American redstart, black-and-white warbler, tufted titmouse, Eastern wood pewee, indigo buntings, northern cardinals, Carolina wren, veery, common yellowthroat, black-capped chickadee, least flycatcher, osprey and Canada geese were regularly heard or seen on just about every walk I went on in the park.

The last week of May I saw my first northern parula and cedar waxwing of the season.

Forget-me-not, Common buttercups, red clover, blackberries, fleabane, blue-eyed grass, and hawkweed were all blooming, and evergreen pollen was covering the perimeter of both Rocky and Muddy Ponds. The red admiral butterfly was seen under the power lines on the Carriage Trail, a place where I see them every year.

During early June, Field Cow Wheat, Tufted loosestrife, and Blue Flag were all flowering. And on June 7th, I replaced two dead American Chestnut trees with American Chestnut seedlings, and saw a beautiful Hummingbird Clearwing Moth. In Mid-June, the inevitable finally happened after 12 years of walking all around Pine Hill Park, observing the wildlife and planting trees and wildflowers-I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. And it knocked me flat for at least two weeks. So, I’m ending my report here.

Hope you enjoyed this summary. Please remember to stay on the trails, and enjoy watching the Wildlife of Pine Hill Park.

24 Winter Wild Times

by Tom Estill

We are so fortunate to have Tom checking on our wildlife through out the seasons and write up a great report for us.

During the week of the Winter Solstice of 2023, the forest was relatively quiet with Rocky Pond finally completely freezing over, though with thin ice, on Dec. 23rd. So quiet, that on that day of Dec.23rd, I didn’t hear or see a single bird on my walk to and from Rocky Pond, a very rare occurrence for me.

A few days later on a walk to Muddy Pond, I saw 4 flocks of about 12 Canada geese flying low towards Muddy Pond, white-breasted nuthatch, and black-capped chickadees.Both ponds were completely frozen over with thin ice, with the exception of a few small areas near the shores of both ponds Water was freely flowing into and out of Rocky Pond.

On Dec. 30th, David Jenne and Shelley Lutz participated in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count. The birds they saw and their numbers were:

Black-capped chickadees-23 White-breasted nuthatch-15 Tufted titmouse-8

Downy woodpecker-6 Canada geese-16 Dark-eyed junco-4 Raven-3


Hairy woodpecker-2 American goldfinch-2 Unidentified raptor-1 Pileated woodpecker-1 House sparrow-10 Cardinal-1

On Jan. 2, 2024, I saw a white-breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker, pileated woodpecker and had the luck to be at the right place at the right time as I sat on the shore of Rocky Pond listening to 2 different flocks of wild turkeys calling back and forth to one another on opposite sides of the pond.

During those first few weeks of January, snow was starting to fall in appreciable amounts with a good dumping on the 20th, and bright sunny days, though rare, were so welcome. A small herd of deer could be regularly seen between trail markers 16 and 24, hairy woodpeckers were starting to be heard drumming back and forth to one another, tufted titmouse birds had changed their call to short, double “here, here” calls, and Carolina wrens were calling one another. On Jan. 22nd, I had the pleasure of hearing 2 pairs of Carolina wrens calling back and forth to one another over quite some distance. The Carolina wren seems to be a bird I am seeing more and more of as the years go by.

Feb. 5 was a gorgeous sunny day. Snow was mostly gone from the 3 lower Giorgetti trails, but still about 3” deep in the upper trails. The small stream feeding Rocky Pond was frozen over and the pond itself was covered in thick ice. Birds seen that day included cardinal,

white-breasted nuthatch, tufted titmouse, hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers. For the next week I saw pretty much the same birds along with pileated woodpeckers and black-capped chickadees.

On Feb. 11th, I was very surprised and delighted to see a Red Squirrel near the trailhead of the park. I see gray squirrels all the time, but rarely do I see a red squirrel. Since then, I’ve been seeing it on a regular basis in that same area, so I know it has a nest somewhere nearby.

By mid-February, gray squirrels were beginning to be seen along with yellow-crowned kinglets. There was one or two inches of snow on the ground. I collected a sample of debris from the bottom of one of the park streams, curious to see what might be alive in such icy cold streams. Through my microscope, I was able to observe a few ciliates, rotifers, a small annelid and a tiny Stonefly nymph.

The last week of February saw me regularly observing downy, hairy, pileated and red-bellied woodpeckers, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, crow, brown creeper, and black-capped chickadees. The only open water observed was a small area surrounding the large beaver lodge on the east side of Muddy Pond, a few small spots of open water along the shores of Rocky pond, and the streams flowing into both ponds. Snow fleas(a sign for me that the worst part of winter is over) were seen on Feb. 21st, nuthatches and chickadees were chasing one another through the trees, hairy woodpeckers were drumming, and the lower trails were mostly bare ground.

On Feb. 25th, I observed a Cooper’s hawk flying near a Cooper’s hawk nest from last year, a barred owl near trail marker 16, where I see them every year, a rarely seen male red crossbill feeding on red pine seeds at Rocky Pond, and a black-capped chickadee feeding on both red and white pine seeds. While standing on the shore of Muddy Pond, I noticed a small area of open water in the distance, near where the main stream feeds into Muddy Pond. This seemed odd to me, in that the pond was pretty much completely covered in thick ice. As I approached the open area I could see the water churning.  I assumed it was fish coming up to gulp air due to the decreasing amount of oxygen in the ice covered pond this time of year. To my surprise, it wasn’t fish gulping air, it was dozens of Eastern newts just coming out of hibernation, coming up for air.

On Feb. 26th, I was surprised to see a large flock of robins flying northward through the forest. Never seen, this time of year, such a huge, compact flock of robins like that before. Both Rocky and Muddy have numerous puddles on their surface, and at both ponds you could hear what sounded like distant thunder, moans and groans as the water was moving about beneath the


On March 3rd, I saw a very impressive huge flock of hundreds of grackles flying through the park. A day later, Canada geese, mallards and hooded mergansers were seen at Rocky Pond. By this time, Rocky was now mostly open water, with only the far east side covered in ice. At Muddy Pond, the only birds seen were one female and three male common mergansers.

March 6th was the first time I saw turkey vultures flying overhead near Rocky Pond, the first of the season.  A few days later, both ponds were free of ice, Canada geese were seen on both ponds, many water insects could be seen in the shallows of Rocky Pond, along with many Eastern newts swimming about.

On March 11, 4 inches of snow covered the ground, but by the next day it was mostly gone.

By mid-March, oak tree buds were starting to open, and I couldn’t believe that I heard a few wood frogs calling at Muddy Pond. This time of year, the forest had also become surprisingly quiet. I thought southern migrants may have started to appear, but no such luck.

On March 17th, I spread hundreds of pitcher plant seeds along the shores of the Rocky Pond outlet in areas I felt would make ideal habitat for such plants. I was looking for areas similar to those found on the small islands on the west side of Muddy Pond which contain numerous pitcher plants.

On the last day of winter, I saw white-breasted nuthatch, tufted titmouse, carolina wren, cardinal, black-capped chickadee, hairy and red-bellied woodpecker, crow, and a few deer between trail markers 16 and 24.

That’s it for this issue. Please stay on the trails, and enjoy watching the wildlife of Pine Hill Park.

Trails are open

Updated: April 1, 2024:

Trails are open. Please be smart when you ride. We have more significant snow in the forecast for mid-week.

Don’t be this entitled mountain biker. This occurred after the 2 foot snowstorm on Saturday, March 23rd and March 30th. The rut in top picture had already been repaired.

2024 Cold Roll Rutland


The Rutland Cold Rolled Fat bike Festival went off snow-or-no-snow—and as usual, was a HOOT!

Cold Roll Rutland was a blast despite lack of snow for 2024.

The vendor village was full with cool stuff from Green Mountain bikes, Ranch Camp, Base Camp, Down Valley Bikes, Analog bikes, Porcupine bikes. Plus Appalachian Distillery from Middlebury came!

The aid station was at Rocky Pond which provided picturesque views to the north. Complete with Fiddlehead beer, snacks and Shelley’s chocolate peanut butter bars!

Despite the non-winter type weather folks had a good time. Yes, it would have been nice to ride on snow but for the most part trails were dry and in great shape.

More photos of the event can be found here.

Cold Roll for 2025 will be February 9th! Maybe we can conjure up some more winter type weather next year.

Wild Times

Autumn, 2023 Summary

By Tom Estill

The first day of fall found numerous birds flying throughout the forest including, cardinals, robins, broad-winged hawk, white-breasted nuthatch, blue jay, tufted titmouse, yellow-throated vireo, black-capped chickadee, hairy and pileated woodpeckers, yellow rumped warbler, and a few wood ducks and Canada geese at Muddy Pond. A dead short-tailed shrew was seen on the Carriage trail near Muddy Pond. First time I’ve seen that small mammal in the park. No obvious injuries, so was very curious about what might have happened to bring about its death. Sticktight, New England aster, flat-topped white aster and snakeroot were all in flower. Many chipmunks out and about.

On Sept. 25th, more species of birds were seen including red-eyed vireo, turkey vulture, blue jays, ravens, black-throated green warbler and Eastern Phoebe. Green frogs were a common sight at Rocky Pond, and a doe and 2 fawns were seen on Crusher Rd.

A few days later, many robins were seen migrating through the forest, which they always do this time of year.

This fall I was not surprised at the lack of acorns on the forest floor. We had a MAST two years ago, so we should have much more acorns next fall.

On the last day of Sept., I noticed numerous small chipmunks about the park. No doubt they were offspring of a second brood, something not unusual for chipmunks this time of year. Also saw both a chipmunk and solitary vireo feeding on red-osier dogwood berries near the trailhead.

Had a beautiful fall evening walk during the first week of October, seeing a white-throated sparrow and 2 young deer near trail marker 16A, an area of the park where I commonly see deer for reasons unknown to me.

By Oct. 8th, the forest was now very quiet with most migrants having passed through the area  by now on their way south. Temperatures were noticeably cooler. The only bird I saw on my way to Muddy Pond was a white-breasted nuthatch. About 100 Canada geese were seen at Muddy Pond, along with 2 small flocks of Mallards and Wood ducks.                                                                                             

Park was at the height of fall foliage, but this year’s foliage season paled in comparison with most other years. Couldn’t help but wonder if this year’s spring hard frost and higher than normal precipitation had something to do with the lackluster foliage season.

During the third week of October, increasing numbers of robins were seen migrating through the forest and hundreds of Canada geese were seen resting at Muddy Pond.

Oct. 28th was a day of unusually warm temperatures, so I wasn’t too surprised when I saw a garter snake slithering among the leaves on the Carriage Trail. At the trailhead, robins could be

seen feeding on red-osier dogwood berries. Hadn’t realized so many different animals enjoyed eating those berries.

The first week of November found Muddy Pond covered with hundreds of migrating Canada geese and a lone Bald Eagle perched in a tree near the empty Osprey nest. I was able to collect hundreds of Button Bush seeds for planting along the shores of Rocky Pond next spring. Button Bush seeds are readily eaten by many waterfowl species. It’s hoped that by growing more Button Bush along the shores of Rocky Pond, more waterfowl may be enticed to spend more time at that pond.

On Nov. 11th, I had an interesting encounter with a small flock of black-capped chickadees. I was playing a recording of a barred owl when after a minute or two, a small flock of

black-capped chickadees that was flying about 20 ft. away, slowly made its way within just a few feet of where I was sitting. On Muddy Pond about 20 Canada geese, a pair of hooded mergansers, one common merganser, and a few mallards were observed. And at Trail Marker 16, another doe was seen.

A week later, a beautiful, healthy looking coyote was seen along the shore of Rocky Pond, and about 500 Canada geese were seen at Muddy Pond. A winter wren, dark-eyed juncos, and yellow-crowned kinglet were also seen.

During the third week of November, deer were again seen around Trail Marker 16, flocks of Canada geese were flying south overhead and Rocky Pond was finally completely frozen over. Most of Muddy Pond was also covered in ice, with the exception of a small area of open water around the large eastside beaver den. I was also surprised to see a few moths flying about.

During the first week of December, loose associations of birds could be seen, typically composed of black-capped chickadees, hairy woodpeckers, brown creepers, tufted titmouse, and white-breasted nuthatches. During a 3 hr. Walk, I observed such an association, one lone hairy woodpecker, and heard one crow, and that was all!

During the second week of December, it was still warm enough for water to be flowing into and out of Rocky Pond. Muddy Pond was frozen over except a small area in its center where you could see about 50 geese resting. On Rocky Pond, I found a pile of goose feathers spread about a small area. Some type of predator had captured and carried away a Canada goose.

In mid-December, I saw a barred owl, and a small herd of 6 deer near Trail Marker 16.

Both ponds were completely frozen over, a Cooper’s hawk was seen near the trailhead, and numerous does and a large 6 point buck were caught on my Trail Camera set up near Trail Marker 16.

On Dec.17th, a major storm was approaching the area and I saw only one animal, a crow, on my 2 hr. Hike.

On Dec. 19th, that same small herd of 6 deer was once again seen near Trail Marker 16. Near the trailhead I heard a gray squirrel making its continuous alarm call, and when I looked up, I saw a Cooper’s hawk perched in a nearby tree.

On the last day of fall, one-third of Rocky Pond was open water, and the rest of the pond was covered in a layer of ice thin enough to easily break through with my boot. The only animal I saw on my hike to Rocky Pond was a single white-breasted nuthatch.

That’s it for this report. Enjoy your time observing the natural wonders at Pine Hill Park, and please remember to stay on the trail and keep your pets leashed.

24 Annual dinner

We are back in person in 2024!

Come join Pine Hill Partnership who is hosting our annual dinner to talk about up coming projects. We will have other organizations joining in the conversation to hear about what is happening in KMBC, WAMBA, SVT, GMT and ROC. Got all those acronyms???? Basically all the trail systems within less than an hour from Rutland.

We are holding on meeting Sunday, March 24th. At the Godnick Ctr, 1 Deer St, Rutland. Start time is 5pm with soup/chili being available for folks.

You do not need to be a current member of Pine Hill Partnership to attend.

Hope to see you there!

2024 Cold Roll Rutland


Rutland Cold Rolled Fat bike Festival is back. Presented by Fiddlehead Brewing, and hosted by Mountain Bike Vermont and Pine Hill Partnership in Rutland, Vermont, Cold Rolled offers a day of fatbike stoke on cold-rolled single-track! Join us Sunday February 11th, 2024 as fat bikers from around New England and New York gather in Rutland to lead a charge with Old Man Winter, replete with group rides, demos, and hearty brews around warm fires.

Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rutland-cold-rolled-fatbike-fest-2024-tickets-775120214427?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

The event will feature a vendor village, rides for all ages and abilities, and groomed trails for your fat biking pleasure. Group rides will begin at 10am at the Giorgetti Athletic Complex at 2 Oak Street Extension (the Pine Hill Trailhead) where we’ll also convene for lunch at 12:00 pm. The remote aid station (aka party central) will be located at the overlook and will feature a bonfire and our favorite mid-ride refreshers. Lunch at Giorgetti will be catered by our friends at Ranch Camp (Stowe, VT).

“We’re beyond excited to bring the Cold Rolled back to Pine Hill – this trail network has some of the best fat biking in the state, and the community rallies to maintain them all winter.” says event co-founder & Killington Valley local Nate Freund of MTBVT. “We’re stoked to bring the party to Rutland and introduce riders from around the northeast to these amazing trails!”

The $50 ticket price ($35 for the under 21 crowd) includes group rides, lunch (with both carnivorous and veggie options), and a signed original Cold Roll Rutland artist print. So air down those tires, break out the extra layers, and get ready to party MTBVT style.