//Adding shortcode to allow br tags in headlines and titles - insert [br] wherever you need one function line_break_shortcode() { return '
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Our Community work day this year is Saturday, April 27th-9am-noon.

We have several projects to work on. Helping Master Gardeners in the front entrance, improving trail tread on Overlook to improve drainage. Please come join us for a couple of hours. We will supply the tools and work gloves. Please remember to bring water and sun screen.

Come join us on any of these days even if it is for a short period of time—every bit helps.

Meet us at the front entrance. Anyone who needs community service hours is always welcome to join us. Please email us for more information on upcoming work days.

We sometimes receive requests from individuals who want to do trail work on their own, and while we are always happy to encourage anyone to work on our trails, we do have a set of rules regarding how it needs to done. If you have a project in mind, please see our Trail Building Policy page for more information.

Gretchen and Keith on Exit Strategy

Army National Guard helping with 18 yards of mulch IMG_0430 Melanie and Sgt Merrill

One thought on “LEND A HAND”

  1. Last Thursday, August 23, 2018, I weedwacked and trimmed back branches encroaching the Carriage Trail from Proctor to Reynolds Reservoir. Carriage Trail beyond from Reynolds Reservoir to Library Pass is good!

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