Category Archives: Trail Work

A few sections of trails are now closed for winter

We have closed Exit Strategy, Lichen Rock(Overlook Trail) and the steep hill on Droopy Muffin between Intersections 30 and 30A. These trails will be closed until spring when ground thaws out and dries out. Please be respectful on the trail closures.



Winter trail closures

We will be closing Exit Strategy, Lichen Rock and the steep hill on Droopy Muffin for winter the week of November 21st. They will reopen in spring after ground un-thaws and sets up. Please be respectful of these trail closures.

2017 Community Work Days

Community Work Day: Saturday, August 26th at 8:15 AM till noon. Meet at the front entrance. The project is raking out a new connector trail from Dewey Wood Rd to Ridge Runner on the Redfield Trails.

Youth Works is back this coming week July 10th, 11th from 9:30 to 2:30 if you are interested in helping out. Community Work night is Thursday, July 13th at 6pm. All volunteers will be up near Intersection 42 working on finishing the new trail.

Community work night: Thursday, June 29th at 6pm IS CANCELLED, RESCHEDULED FOR Thursday, July 13th, 6pm. Meet at the tool trailer in the front entrance. We will be working on a drainage on Rembrandt’s Brush and some work on Evergreen Falls if we have enough warm bodies.

The new trail is started across from Broken Handlebar. It is not completely broken out and we could use more help in getting holes filled in with small rock, continuing the removing of organic material and finish work to get drainage’s in,  good outslope so the trail drains. We will continue to work on this during the summer.

Youth Works is back for it’s 11th year. We meet at the front entrance on Monday’s and Tuesday’s at 9:15AM work till about 2:15. Come join us for an hour. Anyone is welcome to join us.  Bring food, water and mosquito repellent we’ll supply tools and gloves.

If you are on Facebook please make Pine Hill Partnership page (not the group)  a favorite.


Community Work Day

Come join us on Saturday, September 10th at 8:45AM. Meet at the tool trailer in the parking lot. We will be working on Evergreen Falls with Rutland High School Cross Country team. Bring water we will supply gloves, tools and plenty of dirt.

Community Work Night!

Please help us! We need YOUR help on Wednesday, August 17th at 6pm. Bring a weed whacker, we will have a few to loan out if you do not have one. Bring safety glasses, ear plugs. We will transport weed whackers and volunteers to Rocky Pond then hike in from the pond.

Broken Handlebar Gets Some TLC

Broken Handlebar now has an uphill option as well as a downhill only option. We are calling it Broken Handlebar South and North. Broken Handlebar South is the techy XC two way section and Broken Handlebar North is ONE WAY downhill. Both start at intersection 30A and come out at intersection 42. Thank you very much to this year YES plan groups who have made this possible.

Map of trail division

YES Plan Mtn bike group
Thanks Ryan, Alex, Jeremiah and Rick for carrying the sign post in.

Keith putting up temporary sign Folding tarps to carry out IMG_0812 IMG_0809 IMG_0805 IMG_0804

Thank you Volunteeers !

Pine Hill Partnership held a community work day in Pine Hill Park,  Saturday, May 14th.

Thank you National Guard for Army Reserves and Fair Haven Girls on the Run along with all the other volunteers who helped move 18 yards of bark mulch and finished the repair work on Exit Strategy that is now open.

Here are a few photos of some incredible volunteers at work.

Again, thank you !

Trails are now open!

Please NO bikes. April 18th update: Trails are open to bikes. Voldemort, Carriage Trails and lower loop on the Redfield trails are still closed. PLEASE RESPECT TRAIL CLOSURES. The rut in this pic was from the past weekend. We just repaired all those drainage’s last week and someone just had to ride through them.

April 14th update: Trails are open to all bikes. Trails that are closed-Underdog, Voldemort, Carriage Trail and Redfield trails. Please respect those trail closures. Thank you for your patience.

April 7th update: Trails are closed to all bikes. We are monitoring the trails daily and they are soft from 3″ of snow last Monday and an 1″ of rain today. Please be patient.

We are closing the trails for a few days with the cold night temps moving in the frost has come in with those temps. Hopefully by the end of the week we will be able to open the trails to mountain bikes.

April 2nd update: Most trails are open today and tomorrow April 2nd and 3rd. Trails will close Sunday at 5pm due to cold weather moving back in. The freeze thaw cycles raise havoc with the trail tread with frost issues. Underdog, part of Droopy, Lichen Rock, Exit Strategy, Voldemort are closed in Pine Hill Park. The Carriage Trail and Redfield trails are closed and will remain closed until we get some significant drying weather.

April 1st update: We are going to open the trails for Saturday and Sunday, April 2nd and 3rd. They will close Sunday late afternoon. The weather is going to get really cold with some snow and we’re trying to protect the trails the best we can. Underdog will be closed to bikes this weekend. Please set Pine Hill Park as a favorite on TrailHUB for up to date information on the trails.

March 31st update: The freeze/thaw cycles are wreaking havoc on the trails.  Please DO NOT ride any type of bike in the park.

Our weather gods do not appear to be cooperating next week to be able to open trails up either.

Here is a very good explanation on why not to ride during freeze/thaw cycles.

Reasons why trails are closed right now

First community work day is Saturday, April 30th at 9AM.

Saturday, March 25th at 10AM there will be a volunteer work day to clean drainage’s and repair ruts left from the bikes last weekend. Meet at front entrance.

Unfortunately we have had to close our trails due to the freeze/thaw cycles we are experiencing. Please be patient while trails dry out and firm back up. No bikes-this includes fat bikes.


We opened most of the trail system Thursday, March 17th. Redfield, Carriage Trail and Voldemort are closed to all users(pedestrian, bikes, fat bikes, etc) due to very soft conditions. We would greatly appreciate all your cooperation on staying off these trails.

We have had some vandalism in the park. Pulling ‘you are here’ signs down, cutting small sapling trees along the edge of the trails, plus pulling down trail blazes. If you see vandalism occurring please report the activity to the Rutland Police Dept at  802 773 1820.  If the destruction has already occurred please report it to Rutland Recreation at 773-1822. If you see someone trying to start a fire please call 911 and report it to the police and fire dept. Spring is a nasty time for wildfires. Pine Hill Park is a Rutland City Park, means no fires, no smoking, no camping and pets on a leash.