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Be on the Lookout for Wayward Tools!

Summer 2013

VYCC finished up this past weekend. Wait till you see some of the incredible work they did all while camping out with the mosquitoes for 3 weeks. With luck we’ll have the Carriage Trail blazed by mid-September so it will be easier for folks to follow. If you get adventurous now the trail is passable but there are trees down on the Proctor side and it does get confusing over there with all the logging roads.

Youth Works finished up this past week also and did an absolutely fantastic job again in the park. They had over 2500 hours on Exit Strategy. The last two weeks we had them on PA4J(just past the Stegosaurus intersection), Upper Jersey, Upper Droopy, Svelte Tiger and Lower Droopy trying to dry out mud puddles which have been persistent this year. We are missing a hazel hoe on either on PA4J, Upper Jersey or Upper Droopy. A Pulaski is missing on upper part of Svelte Tiger or the lower part of Droopy(between Svelte and Upper Ledges). If you find one of these tools let us know.

We have a community work night this Thursday at 5pm we hope to finish off Exit Strategy if we get enough man power to move surepak and dirt into the last two corners. We’re really, really close. This trail will be a blast to ride!

Please keep an eye out for our missing tools, they would like a good home for winter.

Thank you very much for your support of Pine Hill Partnership, Inc.