All posts by Tin Man

Trails are open !

Pine Hill Park trails are open for mountain biking.

Trails are still tender please ride responsibly.

YES Plan volunteers start Thursday, June 4th through Monday, June 15th.  We welcome other volunteers on these days.

Youth Works starts Monday, June 22nd. These folks will be in the park on Monday’s and Tuesday’s till August 4th. We welcome other volunteers to join us.

These volunteer days start at 9AM in the front entrance of Pine Hill Park.


Please do not ride on trails in this condition. Your volunteers would greatly appreciate it.

April 18th Trails are open for mountain bikes

Trails are in pretty good shape. Please be considerate and do not ride if we receive a lot of rain.

Carriage Trail is still closed to mountain bikes.

Our first work day is Saturday, April 25th at 9AM. If enjoy the park please come help us out.


Annual Meeting set for March 30

We are hoping you can attend the Pine Hill Partnership annual meeting on Monday, March 30th at 6pm at the Godnick Ctr. We will have some great food (both vegetarian, non-vegetarian and dessert), a short business meeting along with a short slide show.

We will have a short slide show to show our accomplishments for 2014 and plans for 2015.  If you are unsure of your membership dues please contact Shelley at or 775 4867 before 8pm for your current dues status.

Please RSVP to Shelley by Wednesday, March 25th if you can attend.

Spring Trail Closures-are now open as of May 20th.

trail_closings_DEC2014These trails are now open as of May 20th. Please ride them gently as the trail tread is tender.

Exit Strategy, Lichen Rock,  steep hill on Droopy leading towards Dewey Wood Rd are closed still closed as of May 10th.  These trails received some TLC on our community work day and we hope to open these in another week or so.




Carriage Trail is closed to mountain bikes


We are all patiently waiting for the Carriage Trail to dry out. Please stay off the Carriage Trail with your mountain bike.   VYCC did a lot of drainage work last year but trail still could be soft in April and May. Please be respectful of our trail that was many years in the making.

The Carriage Trail came into concept in 2007. It took us 6 years to get approval from all the landowners.

Thanks to a VTrans Grant we were able to have VYCC come in 2013 to make the Carriage Trail sustainable. VYCC returned on the same grant in 2014 and put more drainage in areas that we had problems with in the spring.

We are extremely hopeful that spring of 2015 the trail will dry out quicker so we can play on it quicker.

A huge thank you to the private and public landowners for allowing us to ‘officially’ open this trail.














Mountain Biking Events

Rutland Recreation holds the Droopy Pedal Race series on the 3rd Monday of the months of June, July and August. For more information please go to:  Enter 263052 in activity number box.

Rutland Recreation also hosts a Women’s Mountain bike clinic for the month of May on Thursday nights. Please preregister for this clinic at: Enter 561041 in activity number box. For 2015 the first night will be Thursday, April 30th at 6pm.

There is a Youth Mountain bike group that starts riding June 8th on Monday and Friday nights. This is sponsored by Rutland Rec and coached by volunteers.  Ride groups are established by ability levels.  Each group goes out with two adult leaders. Please register for this event at  . Enter 23001 in activity number box.



Races in the park

Rutland Rec hosts a number of events during the spring, summer and fall. To find out more information on these events in the park please visit their website at

Events range from the Women’s mountain bike clinic in May, to the Youth Mountain bike group during the summer, Summer Sunset 5K race series and the Droopy Pedal Mountain bike race series. For more information on these fantastic events visit

2014 Annual Meeting Report

 2014 Annual dinner

The Pine Hill Partnership had their annual meeting last week(March 2014) and welcomed four new board members—Keith Wight, Ben Reller, Andy Shinn and Joel Blumenthal. The officers for this year are Tim Vile as president, Keith Wight as vice president and Shelley Lutz as secretary/treasurer.

Thank you to outgoing president Michael Smith for his years of service to the park.

The Partnership are the stewards of the park and the Carriage Trail that runs from Pine Hill to Proctor. The city is very appreciative of their support for the park.

We really appreciate your support over the years.

Hope to see some of you at the spring work days.