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In 2004 Rutland Recreation received a grant to help pay the way for the Vermont Youth Conservation Corp to come into the park to add to our small existing trail system at that time. VYCC spent 2 weeks camped out in the woods (near Aaron’s Air)building what is now Svelte Tiger and Droopy Muffin.

The crew in 2004 gave Svelte Tigers it name because they started at the bottom and worked their way uphill building the trail. They were fast, energetic working well together feeling like a Svelte Tiger, slowing down the further they went uphill.  Droopy Muffin got it’s name from one of the local restaurants bringing VYCC fresh blueberry muffins with the tops folding over.

Summer of 2007: brought another crew of VYCC folks back to build Stegosaurus and what is now PA4J.

Summer of 2013: VYCC moved in for three weeks to start working on the Carriage Trail. That summer was one of the worst summers for mosquitoes in the woods. VYCC  were communing with the mosquitoes 24/7 camping and doing trail work.  This crew did an outstanding job in getting the Carriage Trail ready to officially open.

Thanks to Trails and Greenways grant and a VTrans grant which gave us the opportunity to bring these work crews into the park.

For more information on VYCC please Visit their website.  http://app/public.vycc.org





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