Here are some ways YOU can make the park even better:
Join us for upcoming community work days—even if its for just a couple hours, every bit helps.
Your membership helps support our activities and gives you a voice in shaping our priorities.
A direct donation to our PayPal account helps us keep our great volunteers fed, watered and equipped! Please do what you can.
Pine Hill Partnership is strictly an all volunteer organization. We are able to maintain Pine Hill Park to a very high standard due to your monetary contributions. We are a non-profit group with 501 (c) 3 status. Your contributions are tax deductible.
Help us replace worn tools:
On the right is a very well used Hazel hoe. On the left is a brand new hazel hoe that has not seen any use, yet. These are our favorite tools for trail work. The cost of one hazel hoe is $91.00.

Our wish list:
- Silky handsaw: $114.99 – Link to purchase
- Silky Bigboy 2000 folding saw – Link to purchase
- Hazel hoe or Adze hoe: $69.95 – Link to purchase
- Pulaski: $64.95 – Link to purchase
- Nupla Fire Rake: $49.95 – Link to purchase
- Nupla McLeod: $47.00 – Link to purchase
- Stihl Kombi Brushcutter FS 110R: Approximately $370.00.
Would prefer to purchase from GT Power on Park St in Rutland.
Link to Description at Stihl USA
Become a Member

For your donation of $60.00 or more, you will receive a membership sticker for your bike or car, a very cool looking Pine Hill Partnership t-shirt (100% heavy duty cotton) and a one year membership in the Pine Hill Partnership.

2024 Work Days
Community Work Day: Saturday, April 27 — Bring water, bug spray and gloves. We’ll supply the tools. Meet at the front entrance of Giorgetti. We will be working on the new trail Milk Run. Hope to see you there!
Please be considerate of volunteers you see on the trail. Say “thank you” when you see them in the park… offer to move a bucket or two of dirt—even if you are riding. Without those volunteers, we would not have the park we have today.
Come join us on any of these days even if it is for a short period of time—every bit helps.