//Adding shortcode to allow br tags in headlines and titles - insert [br] wherever you need one function line_break_shortcode() { return '
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Trail Running

We have a fantastic trail system for trail running. 16 miles of trails within Pine Hill Park. This does not include the 5 miles over to Proctor on the Carriage Trail or the Redfield trails which has some beautiful two track logging roads to run on.

For maps of these networks please go to our map tab in the banner and click on the maps you would like to download. Directions to the trailhead can be found here too.

Suggested Running loops

5K course: (3.5 Miles)
(1) Middle Giorgetti, (4) Backstairs, (13) Lower Ledges, (16) Vista, (24) Upper Ledges, (26) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Salamander, (30) PA4J, (28) Lonely Rock, (25) Rembrandt’s, (20) Evergreen Fall, (18) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy

Alternative 5K course: (3.6 Miles)
(1) Escalator, (9) Pond Rd, (15) Birches, (16) Vista, (24) Upper Ledges, (26) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Salamander, (30) PA4J, (34) Strong Angel, (22B) Lower Jersey, (25A) Annex, (36) Sore Elbow, (22) Watkins, (20) Evergreen Fall, (18) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy

Harder running course: (5.8 Miles)
(1) Lower Giorgetti, (5) Backstairs, (13) Quartzite, (16) Voldemort, (23) Watkins, (22) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Underdog, (32) Shimmer, (37) Stegosaurus, (34) Strong Angel, (22B) Lower Jersey, (25A) Lonely Rock, (25) Rembrandt’s, (20) Sisyphus, (17) Svelte Tiger, (9) Exit Strategy