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Suggested Routes

All loops start at the trailhead. Proceed past the kiosk and cross the boardwalk to intersection (1).
Intersection numbers are in parentheses (##).

Park rides best counter clockwise. For more sustained climbing ride clockwise.

Running loops

5K course: 3.5 Miles
(1) Middle Giorgetti, (4) Backstairs, (13) Lower Ledges, (16) Vista, (24) Upper Ledges, (26) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Salamander, (30) PA4J, (28) Lonely Rock, (25) Rembrandt’s, (20) Evergreen Fall, (18) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy

Alternative 5K Course: 3.6 Miles
(1) Escalator, (9) Pond Rd, (15) Birches, (16) Vista, (24) Upper Ledges, (26) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Salamander, (30) PA4J, (34) Strong Angel, (22B) Lower Jersey, (25A) Annex, (36) Sore Elbow, (22) Watkins, (20) Evergreen Fall, (18) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy

Harder running course: 5.8 Miles
(1) Lower Giorgetti, (5) Backstairs, (13) Quartzite, (16) Voldemort, (23) Watkins, (22) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Underdog, (32) Shimmer, (37) Stegosaurus, (34) Strong Angel, (22B) Lower Jersey, (25A) Lonely Rock, (25) Rembrandt’s, (20) Sisyphus, (17) Svelte Tiger, (9) Exit Strategy

Mountain Biking Loops

Beginner: 2.1 Miles
(1) Escalator, (9)right on Pond Rd, (10) right on Crusher Rd (11) left on Trillium, (15) straight across Pond Rd,  (17) straight on Sisyphus, (20) right on Watkins, (22) Right on Svelte Tiger, (9) Escalator (1)

Beginner Ride Map

Advanced Beginner: 2.4 Miles
(1) Escalator, (9) Svelte Tiger, (22) (right on) Watkins, (23) Voldemort, (16) Birches, (15) Trillium, (17) Sisyphus, (20) Evergreen Fall, (18) Furlough, (9) Escalator (1).

Advanced Beginner Ride Map

Adv/Beginner-Intermediate: 5.2 Miles
(1) Escalator, (9) Svelte Tiger, (22) Droopy Muffin, (26) Underdog, (32) Shimmer, (37) Overlook, (30) PA4J, (34) Strong Angel, (22B) down Jersey Turnpike, (25A) Annex, (36) Sore Elbow, (25) Rembrandt’s, (20) Evergreen Fall, (18) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy.

Adv Beginner/Intermediate Ride Map

Adv/Beginner Intermediate: 5.9 Miles
(1) Escalator, (9) Svelte Tiger, (17) Trillium, (15) Birches, (16) Vista, (24) Upper Ledges, (26) Droopy Muffin, (30) Overlook, (37) Shimmer, (32) Underdog, (26A) Salamander, (30) PA4J, (28) Lonely Rock, (25) Rembrandt’s, (20) Watkins, (38) Halfpipe, (40) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy

Adv Intermediate Ride Map

Intermediate with Carriage Trail and Redfield Trails: 10 Miles

(1) Escalator, (9) Svelte Tiger, (17) Sisyphus, (20) Watkins Wood Rd, (22) Droopy Muffin, (22A) Santa’s Little Helper, (42) Broken Handlebar South, (30A) Droopy Muffin, (26A) Underdog, (32) Carriage Trail, (A) Three Sisters, (AA) Windfall, (B) Powerline Dr, (C) Main St., (F) Single Stitch, (E) Ridge Runner, (M) Southern Cross, (43) Dewey Wood Rd, (35) Stegosaurus, (34) PA4J, (30) Droopy Muffin(this section closes in winter), (30A) Jersey Turnpike, (22B) Strong Angel, (34) PA4J, (28) Lonely Rock, (28A) Santa’s Little Helper, (42) Jigsaw, (36) Sore Elbow, (25) Rembrandt’s Brush, (20) Watkins Wood Rd, (23) Voldemort, (16) Birches, (15) Trillium, (17) Svelte Tiger, (9) Exit Strategy.

Intermediate ride with Pine Hill Park, Carriage Trail and Redfield trails_Park Map

Redfield Trail Map for Intermediate ride

Advanced Intermediate with more sustained climbing: 6.9 Miles
(1) Escalator, (9) Furlough, (18) Evergreen Fall, (20) Rembrandt’s, (25) Lonely Rock, (28) PA4J, (30) Overlook, (37) Stegosaurus (more technical), (34) Strong Angel, (22B) up Jersey Turnpike, (30A) down Droopy Muffin, (26) Upper Ledges, (24) Vista, (16) Birches, (15) Trillium, (17) Sisyphus, (20) Watkins, (38) Halfpipe, (40) Furlough, (9) Exit Strategy.

Adv Intermediate with sustained climbing map

Carriage Trail: 5.1 miles (one way)
5.1 miles from the Giorgetti Trailhead to Proctor.
This route has a significant hill in the middle.

A stunning view from the powerline overlooking Muddy Pond with Blue Ridge and Pico Mountains to the east. This is before the steep hill in the middle of the Rutland side.

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